Following from Prof Ashutosh Potdar,
Dear Friend,
I am writing to you to announce the open call for our eighth edition, काळं/पांढरं | B/W. As you may know, हाकारा । hākārā is a peer-reviewed bilingual journal of creative expression. With a thematic focus for each issue, the journal is published online in Marathi and English.
Please see the open call for submission in Marathi and English below. For more details on submission guidelines, please visit:
Please see the open call for submission in Marathi and English below. For more details on submission guidelines, please visit:
A flyer is also attached.
For our latest edition, हद्द / Boundary, please visit:
I take this opportunity to invite you to contribute to हाकारा । hākārā through your critical writings, research work, artworks, fiction, videos or any other form that you may like to explore.
Also, it would be great if you could help us spread the word by circulating this email among your students, friends and associates.
I look forward to your contribution and support in this endeavour.
|| हाक ८ | काळं/पांढरं ||
काळं/पाढरं म्हणलं की आपल्या डोळ्यासमोर नेमकं काय काय येतं? जुने सिनेमे, जुने फोटो, गतकाळातील छापील मजकूर की फ्लॅशबॅक/आठवणी? आपल्या संवेदना, जाणिवा आणि सौंदर्यविचार हे या रंगांतून कसं उमटतं? या पलीकडे, हे दोन रंग काय दर्शवितात? दोन टोकाच्या भूमिका, समज की दृष्टीकोन? त्यामुळे नैतिक-अनैतिक, चूक-बरोबर, सुष्ट-दुष्ट, सत्य-असत्य, चांगलं-वाईट या द्वंदातून आपण जगाकडे बघू लागतो का?
काळ्या-पांढऱ्याचे अर्थ संस्कृतीनुरूप कशाप्रकारे बदलत जातात? काळ्या-पांढऱ्याचे गुंतागुंतीचे अर्थ आणि संदर्भ आपण कसे मांडतो? या दोन रंगांच्या अधल्या-मधल्या छटा आपण कशा आजमावत असतो? बदलत्या काळात या काळ्या-पांढऱ्याचे अर्थ आपण नव्या पद्धतीने कसे लावू शकतो? माणसं व त्यांच्यातील नाती असोत किंवा कला, साहित्य, तत्त्वज्ञान यात या काळ्या-पांढऱ्याची आणि त्यातल्या असंख्य छटांची मांडणी कशी केलेली आढळते?
तुम्ही चित्रकार असाल, तत्त्व -चिंतन मांडणारे असाल किंवा कथात्म साहित्य वा कविता लिहिणारे असाल, तुम्ही दृश्य-माध्यमातील कलाकार असाल किंवा गुंफणकार (क्युरेटर) असाल तर ‘हाकारा । hākārā’ च्या आठव्या आवृत्तीच्या पारावर ‘काळं/पांढरं | B/W’च्या हाकेसाठी तुमचं स्वागत आहे. तुमचे लिखाण/कलाकृती जुलै २५, २०१९ पर्यंत आमच्याकडे वर पाठवून द्या. निवडक लेख / कलाकृतींचा समावेश ‘हाकारा’च्या येत्या अंकात केला जाईल.
आशुतोष पोतदार आणि नूपुर देसाई
संपादक, हाकारा । hākārā
संपादक, हाकारा । hākārā
|| Call 8 | B/W ||
We perceive black and white (B/W) differently. It could be a visual experience, or a representation of memories or, for some, it could be a metaphor representing dark and light, war and peace or good and evil. Further, when two colours, black and white are kept in a continuous spectrum, they produce shades of grey and thus, changing their dual perception.
For the 8th call for हाकारा । hākārā, we are interested in simple, complex, different as well as unusual reflections on ‘B/W’.
‘B/W’ is not only a visual or physical property of the ‘colour’. It also involves the perception of ‘black and white’ through their associations, memories, histories, traditions and knowledge. Thus, B/W may speak for relationships, affinities, contrasts, polarities and so on. We believe that seeing how ‘B/W’ strikes us in sensory, aesthetic, social and cultural spheres; the dynamic forms of audio/visual, literary or scholarly expression could be explored. With ‘B/W’, हाकारा । hākārā would like to take an opportunity of exploring the properties of varied ways and languages of perceiving ‘B/W’ that is organic and internal to the world around.
If you are a space-artist, designer, writer, scholar, film-maker, visual artist, photographer, translator or curator; you are invited to send your work in English and/or Marathi in response to ‘B/W | काळं/पांढरं’, as you may perceive it.
You may send your work by July 25, 2019, to Select works will be published in the forthcoming issue of हाकारा । hākārā.
Ashutosh Potdar & Noopur Desai
Editors, हाकारा । hākārā
*Editors, हाकारा । hākārā*
Instagram: @hakarajournal
Instagram: @hakarajournal
Dr Ashutosh Potdar
Associate Professor,
FLAME University,
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