Following from Dr. Narendra Tripathi:
It is a great opportunity that Kushabhau Thakre University of Journalism and Mass Communication, Raipur is publishing a Research Journal of Mass Media and Communication ‘Shodh Sarthi’ in October 2015.
Researcher, Scholar and Academician from all over the country are intimated to submit research paper on or before September 30, 2015 30, 2015
Authors are informed to follow APA 6th edition style guide for their research paper.
APA guideline link
The paper must be in the format given bellow
1. Abstract with at least five key wards
2. Introduction
3. Review of Literature
4. Objectives
5. Hypothesis
6. Research Methodology
7. Analysis
8. Conclusion
9. Bibliography / Reference
Thanks and Regards
Dr. Narendra Tripathi
Head, Department of Electronic Media
Kushabhau Thakre University of Journalism and
Mass Communication, Raipur
Mob: 9425755699
Email Id:
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