article looks into the privacy perception and vulnerability among Bangladeshi
urban youth using mobile and computing devices. Based on a survey it shows a
significant number of the youths are unaware about the concept of privacy in
the ‘Digital Age’ and also has little or no idea about possible risks relating
to shared voice and data communications. Amid the absence of any clear-cut
privacy framework at the national level, this article has found that the level
of trust on existing mobile telephony to be significantly higher than the Internet.
This research concluded that the long term user experience (or absence of it)
in mobile phone and Internet do not have any impact on Bangladeshi youths’
perception on possible privacy related vulnerabilities. Concern over data
manipulation has also been identified a major influential factor in deciding youth’s
online behavioral patterns.
Redefining the Virtual
Self: Analysis of Facebook Discourse of College
Students in Kolkata
way in which Facebook is unique for creating perceptions of individuals is the
degree to which private information is presented by avenues other than
revelation by the person himself. Discourses, are not just insulated linguistic
‘objects,’ but are constitutive parts of communicative acts in a particular
sociocultural situation. The present study looks at a particular set of
socio-economic factors which influence the Facebook discourse of undergraduate
and post graduate communication students in Kolkata , India .
This research posits the role of interpreting the intentionality of the
discourse on the respondents. This recognizes the process in which people
decide about how and when they will disclose private information on a group site.
The 292 respondents to our online questionnaire classify the topicality,
functionality and colloquality of their Facebook discourse among closed ended
options. The objective is to relate these intentionality to factors such as
broadband use, medium of education, perceived usefulness and goal directedness.
Networked Publics and
Identity Construction: Towards an Era of Virtual Socialization
Vivekananda Institute of
Professional Studies, Delhi ,
the era of digital age where the rate of information exchange and sharing have
gone extremely high, the line of demarcation between the sender and the
receiver in a communication act came to be less existent. With the rise of new
media technologies, social networking sites (SNS) such as Google+, Facebook,
Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn, etc. have increasingly become a common platform for
networking mong people. The term ‘networked publics’ became a more appropriate
term for the broad category of users in these virtual networking platforms. One
of the most important characteristic features of social networking is the issue
of self constructed identity and representation. This emerging trend has become
the key towards virtual socialization amongst the networked publics. Based on
strong theoretical backgrounds of self and identity construction, this paper
tries to explore the various aspects of socialization in the virtual space
through a wide array of literature surveys. Notwithstanding their privacy
concerns, the willingness to self expose themselves among the public and to
what extent people reveal their “self” in the process of identity construction
will be highlighted thoroughly in the paper.
New Media Impacts on
Journalism: Revisiting the Dynamics of News Production
Arab spring of 2011, the Indian Civil Society campaign for Lokpal 2012, and the
ongoing campaign for capital punishment to the Delhi gang rape accused, are among a
thousands of events, worldwide, which have demonstrated the power of new media
in galvanizing the masses for a cause. The advent of high speed communication
channels like broadband, optical fiber, and Web 2.0 services coupled with the
ubiquitous multitasking devices like smart phones and other handhelds available
in multitudes of forms have tremendously increased the scale of messages output
and sharing. The pull of modern technology, push of business, and most
importantly the search for new ways to satisfy the self expression needs and
ambitions of the new generation have made the domain of new media grow beyond
expectation. The technology savvy new generations, have learnt to explore
constantly expanding opportunities for communication and self expression
presented by the Internet and the Web. The interactive nature of the new media
technologies have significantly altered the dynamics of journalism in the cyber
space to an extent of blurring the distinction between producers and consumers
of messages and transformed them into pro-summers. This paper analyses the
impacts of new media technology on professional journalism and the responses of
the old media.
Adolescents and the
Media: Teenagers Talk about Television and Negative Representations
people are an elusive and exciting audience and user of all media. They are
both the most desirable yet indefinable set of groups and individuals who must
be attracted, intrigued and held in thrall if media organizations are to
succeed in their quests to keep in step with their ever moving interests, This
article presents the views of diverse groups of young people aged between nine
and nineteen in Birmingham, United Kingdom in the winter of 2010/11 and reveals
in their own words how they feel about the way that they are represented in
British media. They are avid watchers of television and even more active users
of new media. They reveal their eclectic and heavy viewing habits. While they
are diverse in their education, social backgrounds and ethnicity, they are
united in expressing their unhappiness and discontent about the way that they
are represented on British television both in news coverage, documentaries and
in dramas directed at them. More worrying is the fact that they feel and give
evidence that this negative view of teenagers, affects the way they are
perceived by other members of the public. While they are critical of British
television they do single out American television as being more aspirational
and optimistic.
Bollywood Nuances
Affecting Italian Television
the 1990s, Bollywood cinema arrived in Europe
and successfully settled away from the Indian subcontinent, proposing a
diverse, variegated and multisensorial experience not only for South Asians
living abroad, but also for the locals. Interestingly, the plural mediatic
nature of these kinds of films have penetrated European countries in different
ways; some were enthusiastic for the joyfulness of songs, others began reviving
connections between hippy culture and Bollywood atmosphere, while Italy, the
country under investigation in this article, initiated a series of television
programs profoundly inspired by the new and compelling Bollywood wave. The
television programs analyzed in this article have the scope to unearth how
Bollywood cinema has penetrated the small screen of Italy . Also, this article answers
the following question: what are the dynamics that have characterized the
artistic encounter between two very different ways of expression? Firstly, the
work of Russian Semiologist Yuri Lotman on semiosphere is taken into account in
an attempt to highlight how the world of Bollywood and the one of Italian
television, considered as two diverse semiospheres, have influenced each other
in the endeavor to see a process of exchange and fusion. On a second level, the
fusion of formats, such as sitcoms with Bollywood nuances, could produce an
interesting reflection on genre. A brief literature review on genre theory has
been offered to frame the possibility for the emergence of a new genre, the
fusion genre, at the base of this encounter.
CBC and the Science Academy : A Participatory Journey
Sheridan College Institute of Technology , Canada
publicly funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) has a unique,
participatory relationship with the science academy that showcases scientific
discovery on the Geologic Journey II website—a site run by CBC. Although
academics work on interesting projects that have great relevance to those
outside academic circles, their work is generally published in journals or
texts that are not often accessed or, in some cases, understood by the general
public. On Geologic Journey II, a site created in conjunction with the
development of a documentary project, contemporary research is highlighted in a
manner that makes it easily accessible to a much wider audience. Through the
lens of media logic, using the theories of convergence culture and the public
sphere, in this paper, I explore how the partnership between CBC and the
science academy invigorates public discourse, and why building relationships
with community partners makes good business sense for a public broadcaster.
Freshman 15: Are
Universities Doing Enough?
15 has been identified as a major medical issue on college campuses for over a
decade. Scholars have indicated that Freshman 15 treatment options need to
include physical fitness, nutrition, and counseling. Our analysis of the web
sites of 45 major universities indicates that most schools need to improve their
communication methods if they are going to successfully provide intervention to
their students.
Audience at Play: An
Inquiry into the Song Kolaveri Di
Mudra Institute of
Communications Ahmedabad , India
discourse in communication studies has looked at audiences as active seekers of
pleasure through communicative play. This perspective has been talked about
extensively by William Stephenson (1988) through his play theory of mass
communication. Stephenson refutes Freud who considered play to be an unconscious,
passive and an escapist defence mechanism. This paper furthers this
understanding of play in the present day of digitization and virtual media
technologies. The study proposes that the users of the Internet (virtual
audiences) get actively co-opted into the creation and recreation of media
content through play. Participative play on the Internet can be equated to what
Caillois (2001) has described as Paideia (primitive, pure play of carefree
gaiety). Paideia in its new Internet avatar may manifest itself in the form of
shares and likes, posts and reposts, comments and recommendations on content
sharing and social networking sites. This carefree act of pure play can be
attributed to the absence of a proper regulatory framework on social
interactions in the cyberspace which in turn makes the play elusive and the
players’ (audience) behaviour very unpredictable.
Constraints in Screen
Translation: The Socio- Cultural Dimensions of Dubbing and Subtitling
domesticating or foreignising in its approach, any form of audiovisual
translation ultimately plays a unique role in developing both national
identities and national stereotypes. The transmission of cultural values in
screen translation has received very little attention in the literature and
remains one of the most pressing areas of research in translation studies.
(Mona Baker and Braño Hochel 1997:76) The term audiovisual translation refers
to both the translation of the distribution format and its contents. Even
though the technical responsibilities of audiovisual translators may become
limited, their creative and linguistic abilities, as well as their capacity to
match words with both images and sounds continue to be tested. The present paper
reflects the pace and breadth of the linguistic and cultural challenges that
the translators encounter while translating, subtitling and dubbing films.
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