Institute of Professional Studies
School of Journalism & Mass Communication
Empowerment, Skill Enhancement and Media: Prospects and Challenges
2nd National
Conference – 22nd and 23rd April, 2016
‘Women Empowerment, Skill
Enhancement and
Media: Prospects and Challenges’
यत्रनार्यस्तुपूज्यन्तेरमन्तेतत्रदेवताः ।
यत्रैतास्तु न पूज्यन्तेसर्वास्तत्राफलाःक्रियाः ॥
यत्रैतास्तु न पूज्यन्तेसर्वास्तत्राफलाःक्रियाः ॥
Meaning :The
divine are extremely happy where women are respected ;
they are not, all actions (projects) are fruitless.
At some point of time in our history we
stressed upon women empowerment, today
when there is a dire need to bring the concept in practice whereby both the
genders equally contribute towards the development of society, the idea needs
reinforecement. Present concept note of the conference is to deliberate on the
issue does not require any data related to the status of women in our societies
because often we see research reports, media reports from across the globe
wherein gender issues have acquired ample space. United Nations and other
institutions are also working upon this issue since very long but status of
women in every society demands much attention. Skill enhancement is the
foundation for empowerment in any field but more so in Media.
We at Vivekananda Institute of
Professional Studies want to propose 2 days national conference on the subject
“Women Empowerment, Skill Enhancement and Media: Prospects and Challenge”.
Through this we would like to deliberate over various issues from media
perspective and hence we would like to invite papers by scholars from across
the country to deliberate on related issues and challenges and draw some fruitful
suggestions for policy makers, some innovative ideas for media professionals
and researchers and empowering skill avenues.
Skilled education empowers women and
girls. It provides them with the ability and knowledge needed to direct their
own lives. The positive ripple effect of education for women and girls is so
far-reaching that a number of international organizations, UNESCO and UN Women
foremost among them, have persuasively argued that it is the single most effective tool for development
as when girls receive education they: ™Have smaller and healthier families; ™gain
skills needed to enter and succeed in the labour market; recognize the
importance of health care and seek it for themselves and their children; ™understand
their rights and gain the confidence to insist on them.
Several international frameworks have
formalized commitments to improving learning opportunities for women and girls.
The 1995 Beijing Platform for Action called on countries to ensure equal access
to education for girls, eradicate female illiteracy and expand the availability
of vocational training for women. Girls’ education was singled out again in the
2000 Dakar Framework for Action and codified as one of six Educations for All
(EFA) goals. The goal on gender established two specific targets: eliminate gender disparities in primary and
secondary education by 2005, and
achieve gender equality in education by 2015. These agreements frame and
add urgency to questions about the place of women and girls’ education in the
post-2015 development agenda. A consensus has emerged that renewed impetus is
needed to fully – and finally – ensure that women have equitable access to high
quality skilled education.
Worldwide, women and girls have better
access to educational opportunities than at any time in the past, and these
gains are translating into improved social and economic opportunities. Between
1980 and 2008, a period of explosive growth in female access to education, 552
million women joined the labour force, and today 4 out of every 10 workers
globally are female. Yet despite this commendable progress, the quality of
education remains unsatisfactory in many contexts, and access to education is
still inequitable across gender lines. The character and magnitude of inequity
vary from country to country, but the most serious problems tend to be
concentrated in Africa and South Asia .
Alarmingly, gender gaps in sub-Saharan Africa
have widened at higher levels of schooling, a reverse of the global trend
towards greater parity: between 1999 and 2010 the ratio of girls in secondary
school fell from 83 to 82 girls per 100 boys, and from 67 to 63 girls per 100
boys at the tertiary level.
This represents not only stalled
progress but a reversion to the deep gender inequalities that characterized
previous eras. At the primary school level, impressive gains made in the early
2000s have leveled off. In several low income countries it is not atypical to
find only 7 girls enrolled in school per every 10 boys.
The 2013/4 EFA Global Monitoring Report
summed up the situation unambiguously: Worldwide ‘girls are more likely to miss
out on primary education’ than boys and are afflicted by the ‘most extreme
cases of inequality in secondary education’. These disparities result in
disproportional literacy rates for males and females. Globally, two out of
every three illiterate adults are women. Prospects and Challenges in Women Empowerment
and their Skill Enhancement and Media
scenarios need to be deliberated upon.
About the Institute:
Vivekananda Institute of Professional
Studies (VIPS) is founded on Swami Vivekananda’s philosophy of ‘Man making,
Character building and Nation building’. The Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies (VIPS) has been
accredited “A” grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council
(NAAC). It is an ISO 9001:2008 certified institution. VIPS
was incepted in the year 2000 by the "Strength India Educational
Society" registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and is
affiliated to Guru
Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University .
Under the charismatic leadership of Dr. S.C Vats (Chairman) and Professor I.M
Pandey (Director General), VIPS has created a niche for itself on the road of
academic execellance. It has shown a remarkable growth in terms of number of
courses offered and intake of students with highly qualified and dedicated
faculty. With a legacy of 15 years, it is running various courses in
Management, Law, Journalism and Information Technology.
About the Department:
Vivekananda School of Journalism & Mass
Communication (VSJMC), is one of the biggest department of Media Studies in any
educational Institution in the country established in 2001. The Bachelors
programme in Journalism and Mass Communication at VSJMC combines the rigors of
academic excellence and hands-on practical training for training a fairly large
number of students who will then take up challenging jobs in the fast growing
and diverse media industry. VSJMC boasts of a great infrastructure as well as a
skilled and well-qualified faculty, which has enabled us to produce both
industry leaders and university toppers.
The ever converging world of mass media has
fuelled the need for multi-tasking and multi-talented media professionals, and
while VIPS always aims at high academic standards, extra-curricular activities
like festivals, events and seminars enable the students to develop hands-on
event-management skills, interact with industry experts and exchange ideas with
students from other institutes and backgrounds. All this and more makes the
BJMC course at VIPS an amalgamation of brilliant ideas, top-class academic
standards and best-in-class facilities.
Call for papers:
We invite empirical, conceptual research
papers and case studies from academicians, professionals, consultants, research
scholars and students related to the broad tracks and themes of the conference.
Track 1: Women Empowerment
Track 2: Skill Enhancement
Track 3: Women & Media
Track 4: Entrepreneurship
Track 5: Women & Culture
Track 6: Women & Economy
Track 7: Women & Health
Track 8: Violence against Women
Track 9: Institutional Mechanism for
Advancement of Women
Track 10: Women & policy Formation
Submission Guidelines for authors:
We invite original, research papers and
articles on the above mentioned Conference themes. While sending contributions
the following guidelines must be strictly followed. Contributions that do not
adhere to the guidelines will not be considered.
The selection of papers for
publication will be based on their relevance, clarity and originality; the
extent to which they advance knowledge, understanding and application of their
domain; and their likely contribution towards inspiring further development and
The cover page of the article should
Title of the article (in bold)
Name(s) of authors
Professional affiliation
Address of correspondence and Email.
The second page should contain
(i) Title of the article (Time New
Romans 16, in bold)
(ii) an abstract of the paper in about
300 words (Times Roman 12 Point type, single spacing, in italics)
(iii) Keywords should be provided which
encapsulate the principal topics of the paper (3-5 key words alphabetically).
Manuscripts (Full paper) length should
be between 4,000- 6,000 words. The contribution should be in clear, coherent
and concise English. Author/s should also send a copy of the contribution in MS
word, Times New Roman 12 Point type font, by e-mail to
All tables, charts, graphs, footnotes,
quotations, equations articles should be cited accordingly and numbered
The reference list should mention only those sources which have been
actually cited in the text or notes. References should be complete in all
respects and should be listed in alphabetical order. References and
in-text citations should follow APA formatting style. Please refer
to for detailed referencing guidelines.
All research papers / articles
submitted for consideration should be accompanied by a declaration by the
author/s that they have not been published elsewhere.
Conference Details:
Important Dates:
Deadlines Dates
Last date for submission of Abstracts: 24th February,
Notification of acceptance of abstracts
to author(s) : 4th March, 2016
Last date for submission of full papers : 24th March, 2016
Acceptance notification to author(s) : 4th April, 2016
date for registration: 11th April,
dates 22nd & 23rd April, 2016
Registration fee for the participants:
Category of Participant(s) Registration
Fee (INR)
Delegates from industry : Rs. 1,500
Academicians: Rs 1,000
Research scholars / Students : Rs. 750
Registration Fees for the conference
includes: Conference kit, Tea/Snacks, Lunch and a book of Conference
Proceedings. Registration fee does not include accommodation and
TA/DA or any other travelling expenses. However, outstation candidates will be
assisted with accommodation (twin-sharing) on payment basis. Participants have
to register for the conference individually and only registered participants
will receive the certificates and conference material.
Publication opportunities:
All accepted research papers will be
published in the book of refereed conference proceedings (with an ISBN Number)
Selected papers will be published in
VIPS Journal of Research with refereed
online proceedings (ISSN: 2319 - 8702)
Best paper Award:
Three outstanding research papers will
receive an award of Rs. 10,000/- , Rs. 7,000/- and Rs. 3,000/-
Key features of the conference:
The following are the key features of
the conference:
Over 100 scholarly research papers to
be presented across 7 communication tracks
Excellent opportunities for
professional and academic networking
High profile plenary sessions
Professional development meetings and
industry connect
Gala lunch and welcoming of sponsoring
Publication opportunities in journal
Best paper awards
Contact Us:
For details, please contact the
Prof. (Dr.) Charu Lata Singh
Dr Aatish Parashar Dr Vaishali Kathuria Billa Dr Anuradha Mishra Gaur
Co Convenor Co Convenor Co Convenor
09810490789 09810781508 08527163837
Ms Ashima Singh Gureja Ms Tahzeeb Fatma
Co ordinator Co ordinator
09999275918 09958030741